(no subject)

Jun 25, 2009 10:46

i spent last night from 11-12:30 panicking about how i still don't have a job, frantically searching through craigslist, and trying to calculate if i will have any money left in my savings if i don't find a job until after i get home from italy in december (which seems more and more likely). then trying to figure out how i am going to coordinate my ridiculously busy school schedule with work when i get back and not be miserable.
then i was too stressed out to sleep, so i made a collage. it's not done yet, but i took a picture anyway because i actually really like how it's coming out so far.

i went for a job interview at salmon falls pottery on tuesday, was told i was hired and could start the next day, and then half an hour later the woman called to tell me that her boss didn't actually want her to hire someone until she'd interviewed multiple people. this was in the same half hour that i found out my nana is in the hospital again and this time won't get to go home...the doctors won't let her be alone anymore. so that was kind of a bad day.
but...i'm going job hunting again today so...wish me luck!

collage, rambling

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