Sep 02, 2009 14:35
filtered away from the harry potter crew | warded unhackable
Say you have a friend, and the two of you have been in a row for a while. This friend is one of your two best mates, and you can't really go to the other one because they're ... together. Otherwise, I would. Actually, that'd be a better idea than coming here, and I realise this is a bit stupid, but I might as well try. Everything is a bit messed up because of these rows that keep happening.
I'm not being very clear, am I? Right, I'll do that.
This best friend and I've been fighting. Over ... over her being too friendly with someone, and while I'd like to give him a chance, she's giving him too much of one. He's a prat and he's always in the way. He's done some good, but she turned it into something much bigger when we finally talked about it. Something that ended up insulting my mother and father, and someone else important to me. I don't think she meant it that way, but we haven't been able to talk about it.
... Because every time we do, we just fight more. And the last time, she just stopped responding.
See, when we fight, we usually have something that finally makes it better. And ... she left for a while, so that should make it better, shouldn't it? Only ... it didn't, we're still cross with one another.
I reckon I should just get over it, but I haven't. And I don't know what to say to her. It's driving me mad, because that means she'll stop coming to me again. ... When she has problems, I mean, and that's when she does stupid things. Like overworking herself.
She's the type of person who never does stupid things. Or isn't supposed to. Because she's really quite brilliant, more brilliant than most.
I guess what I'm trying to ask is ...
Is there some way to make her talk, without crying or becoming even more cross and just stopping? I've really grown tired of us having these rows.
Um, that's all, really. I mean, it isn't all, because there are other things. Things that I'm dealing with, I mean, but I can handle that myself. I have before.
hermione is my bff,
ginny isn't back yet,
asking for help,
sirius is gone (again) bawww