Nov 05, 2005 13:43
So yeah, two years, huh?
Goddess, time is too fucking weird. Maybe I've just been reading too much Faulkner lately. Two years ago seems like ages and then again nothingatall. And everything that has happened in between should have taken millennia to happen, but it didn't.
It boggles my mind why time doesn't boggle more people's
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Timezones, on the other hand, still weird me out.
Yeah, timezones are weird as hell. I wonder if it would be weirder if we didn't have them and three in the morning just meant different things to different people in the world.
I mean, before monks started measuring the hours because they had nothing better to do, people lived by natural time. When the sun was up, you worked. When it went away you slept. Simple as that. I wonder how we'd cope with that kind of thinking now.
Nothing would get done. ;)
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