
Jun 05, 2010 20:35

Okay I was going to post this on facebook but to many family members on there and I'm to lazy to filter..

Okay I'm having major sheduling problems with school. One class, said online, nothing about being a hybrid class till orentation(which I got kicked out of b/c lily was to distracting). The class time is 4 times this summer from 6pm-11pm I couldn't even afind a babysitter for an hour at 5pm on a friday, so yeah.
My advisor had already blasted me when I enrolled in classes about not taking any in class room classes. Though I think the bitch shoul dhave told me that the one class I enrolled would include such long class times...Now I have to withdraw, which leads to another problem.. I"m on acadmic probation and one of the stipulations is that I can't withdraw from any classes (maybe if it is the first week it won't count against me)....but honestly I'm almost hoping to that they tell me that I will be kicked out if I withdraw, b/c I just realized (this was going to be the fb post) that I'm horribly stressed and ayelling monster while school is in session b/c lily won't leave me alone for two minutes so I can get anything done, even reading...I'm constantly thinking about classes and as eden puts it just plain don thave time for them...In all honestly, I would really like to just withdraw and forget it...

Yeah I know that dooms to me to a life of fastfood and/or retail work. But honestly is that so bad if I become a better lessed stressed mother and cvan have more time with the kids. As bad as I hate my job, i pretty much set my own schedule. ANd work when I feel like it.

So yeah what do you all think I should do (be honest)? And the second part, if anyone thinks I should withdara (hey atleast I'll do it write and not just flunk out) how should I tell my parents...I get to disaapoint them all over again.
Forgive the spelling and horrible typing...lily is helping.
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