I guess I had it coming...

Apr 22, 2005 09:42

My birthday was yesterday and it really sucked.

First I got into a huge fight with my dad about school. The fight happened at like 12:30 am (the night before my bday) and i was crying and it was no fun and I got a terrible headache. Finally I fell asleep only to wake up at 6 am with an even worse headache. I think it was the worst headache that I have ever had. I took some Excedrin Migraine and finally fell back asleep at like 8. I woke up at 11 and my headache was back full force and i was feeling nauseous as well. I got in the elevator complaining about how much i felt like shit, had this girl I know tell me that I might be pregnant (which I most definately am not BUT SHE IS) and then went to get some food. After I ate I went to class and had an anxiety attack. I was hyperventilating and couldnt breathe and was freaking out so I went to the doctor. The doctor tried to prescribe me medication for depression and I was like "Fuck you." Apparently the medication also prevents anxiety attacks but i am sick of antibiotics or medicine being the answer for everything. After that I went to go talk to my math teacher about my grade except that he doesnt speak english cuz he is straight out of Vietnam so I got nowhere with that.
I went and met up with Nich, Wes and Karl and then me and Nich and Josh left to go to this bar called the Funky Butt cuz Nich was playing a gig there. The Funky Butt is in a super sketch area right by the projects. Good times. When we got there, Josh dropped us off in front and went to go find parking. When he walked into the bar he asked me to go to his car and get a green folder from the trunk. I was a little hesitant about walking to his car by myself in that area but figured that it was still light out and it couldnt be too far away. Only I couldnt find his car when i went to go look for it. And creepy guys started following me and yelling to me. So i was like "Fuck this." I went back to the bar and told Josh that I couldnt find his car so he told me where his car was and sent me back out to get the folder. Asshole. So I went back outside only this time when I was walking down the street towards the car some guy pulls over and goes "Hey baby, are you single?" I looked at him, said "Nope" and kept walking. I half expected him to yell some shit at me for turing him down but he drove off, thankfully. I found the car, got the folder, went back to the bar, handed Josh that folder and told him that it had better be a very VERY important folder for all of the shit I went through to get it. Asshole.
Nich and the band started their set and I sat at the bar listening to them. While I was sitting there this creepy old black guy with hardly any teeth came over to the bar and sat next to me. He started talking to me and asking me questions. It wouldnt have been a big deal if he was just talking to me. The problem was that as he was talking to me he kept touching me. He would grab my hand or touch my arm or my leg. I was sooooooooo uncomfortable. I mean, I am never comfortable with strangers touching me but after the day that I had I was especially sensitive. He really freaked me out. I know he was just a harmless old man but DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME! Ugh it was creepy. He finally left and I listened to the music some more and then about 30 minutes later he came back and acted as though he had never talked to me before and put his arm around me and shit and I was like "Enough is enough." and I got up and moved to the front of the bar where the tables are and as far away from him as possible and the bar tender got rid of him.
Anyway, that was my day. I got like 100 phone calls and emails which was really nice. It made yesterday somewhat bearable. Thank you to everyone that called me or emailed me yesterday. You made my day.

I cant remember the last time that I had a bad birthday so I guess I had it coming. They can't all be great right?
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