my weekend

Nov 21, 2005 19:29

yeah so last week was okay..i was sick on monday and tuesday, so the week went by fast, friday after school we all went to starbucks, then walked to my house, hung out there for a while, then ate diner, fred came, and we went to johnnys...that was alot of fun, me and michelle were coupleless so we had deep conversations until everyone was done...well yeah. that was alot of funn though. Then saturday i went to the thrift shop, then went to pizza bistro and hung out there for like 3 hours...discovered that we were sex and the city lmao...then i went to work, after work i went home got changed and went to diner at sidekicks with eileen michelle and marni, which was alot of fun. Then got picked up by michelles friend sean, and his friend jeff, and went to the party at eds, which was random, but i had a good time. Then we left around 12, and 10 minutes later the cops came. Then yesterday i was forced to wake up at 9 to go to softball for an hour, then come home, shower, and go to work. I got off work at 630, and went to the pellys for fakesgiving with...eileen, michelle, dave, johnny, alicia, mike, steve, tom, sam, mario and marni..that was simply amazing. We had massage trains going, and ate alot of food, then complained about our stomaches..and eileens feet. My weekend was overall very in school i was actually like "hey school, not bad" then first period hit me and i was like "why the fuck am i here?" yeah funn times, then stayed after for science extra help, then went to donnavan's softball thing for 2 hours which was funn.. then talked to eileen on the phone and her comment "oh god softballs starting already" no no another like 5 months for that haha. thats all for now. peace
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