(no subject)

Apr 22, 2010 22:59

"At least I had that, one guy understood me. " - Yoko Ono

Rosie stood far off to the side and watched the people. There were always so many of them. She loved socializing but some days when the press and fans all appeared together even Rosie stood back. Despite her distance every time he smiled she couldn’t hold hers back. She caught the side long glances between questions. They meant a lot. They meant more than she understood but still she could feel it.

“Ah she’s a shy one.”

Even from the distance she felt the blush heating her cheeks. Rosie looked away at the crew setting up the stage. He knew her. From across the room, across the world it seemed, Jonna could see right into her soul. He knew everything about her even the things she never said. It took time to finally look up. Jonna was coming toward her with three women flanking him. Rosie felt the surge of jealousy that didn’t often hit her but she was off guard from that smile and comment.

“Eh Rosie.” He had her hand as soon as he was close enough. The emotions subsided immediately. He knew she needed the contact to reassure her. “Aye, girls knaa me lassie.”

Rosie smiled and squeezed his hand before letting it go to brush her hair behind her ear. “Hi, darlin’s.”

“Hi.” They immediately flew into questions about what it was like to live with a rock star and what it was like to tour. Rosie seemed taken aback at first.

“Know, me girl likes company.” He smiled and pointed back toward the press before sauntering away. Rosie smiled as Jonna walked away before she started fielding the questions. Her first answer was to a question about living with him. She glanced down at the engagement ring which brought a squeal of surprise. Few fans knew how serious things were.
“Jonna like livin’ with someone known me all my life.” It was the only answer she could imagine. The girls smiled as she showed off her ring. She could do this. She never thought anyone would make her this happy.

justprompts, jonna, fiction

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