Visiting Japan (Tag: a_peaceful_aura)

Jul 22, 2009 19:00

Rosie had emailed her itinerary to Kayashima the day before after she had changed her booking. The trip would be slightly more expensive this way but Jonna had been understanding. As eager as he was to see her, Rosie was glad he understood she needed to be there for her friends too ( Read more... )

japan, rp, travel, taiki kayashima

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a_peaceful_aura July 22 2009, 23:51:46 UTC
Despite Rosie having given him the projected time of arrival, Taiki had arrived over 45 minutes early to the airport. Narita was busy as people flowed around the baggage claim, all seeming to be in a hurry to get where they were going. There were few gaijin milling about, the utterly lost look on their face matching the confused aura that emanated from them.

But it was not difficult to spot Rosie. Tall, blonde, and red outfit all served as a beacon. Threading through the crowd he made his way to her as quickly as possible. Inwardly he was jumping for joy, outwardly he offered her a small smile as he called her name to get her attention.

Despite the oppressive heat and humidity, he was still wearing a long sleeved button down shirt, a vest, and a gauzy scarf looped several times around his neck. He was a little tired...and a little thin...(and honestly when wasn't he?) but genuinely happy to see her.

"I am very happy you could come! Welcome to Japan!"

(Because the mun fails at HTML D=, here is what Taiki's wearing: )


wholelotofrosie July 23 2009, 00:21:04 UTC
Rosie heard him and started in his direction. Oppressive crowds didn't bother her any longer. She was more than used to this kind of situation. She goes right up to him and gives him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Got me all to yourself 'til tomorrow night. Rosie was happy to see him and her usual flirtatious self.


a_peaceful_aura July 23 2009, 01:14:03 UTC
He smiled and returned the hug, patting her carefully on the back (without even a flinch! Improvement!).

"Perfect. There is only the cat to bear witness and I do believe I can bribe her with fish." ...Taiki is a little rusty on the humor/flirting area of life. But he offers to take the larger luggage that Rosie is dragging and gestures down the hall towards the trains. "It is a bit of a trip to the house, but I bought you a rail card..." He produces a small rectangular paper card and hands it to her and then starts towards the railway. "How was your trip?"


wholelotofrosie July 23 2009, 01:42:27 UTC
Rosie giggled at his comment but kept her luggage. It had wheels and she was used to it.

I like trains. Rosie took the card and tucked it into her bra for the moment.

Gotta lotta sleep. Rosie stepped up beside him. Figurin' you and Jonna ain't gonna let me sleep much for few days.


a_peaceful_aura July 23 2009, 04:35:18 UTC
Taiki shook his head, smiling at both her words and the way she stowed the railcard. That was sure to turn some heads at the ticket checks when she pulled it out...A quick check at the map and they were off.
The first train right out of the airport was packed. It was a short trip to the Jouban Rapid Service Line...then to the Jouban...nearly twenty minutes on Miito...and finally the Ryoumou. As they went the crowds thinned out and after the second train they were able to find seats. A total of fourty-five minutes from the airport to their stop at Omoigawa, just outside of Greater Tokyo.
"Are you hungry? Or would you like to go somewhere?" He asked on the train, scratching at the back of his neck. He should have made plans or something...And for that matter, he wasn't even sure he had any food in the house. Frowning, he mentally berated himself at the lack of planning. But he'd honestly never had anyone over...Shuichi always took care of those things. "Would you like to go out or stay in...Or both?" More neck scratching and frowns.


wholelotofrosie July 23 2009, 04:47:37 UTC
Rosie took the travel in stride. She was used to clogged traffic and airports. Most of the time she spent staring out the window at the scenery.

Worryin' too much. Rosie smiled and shook her head. I ain't one for much plannin'.

I brought ya some gifts from England. She decided to try and distract him from whatever seemed to be worrying him.


a_peaceful_aura July 23 2009, 04:59:59 UTC
"Ah, but please let me know if there is something you need or want to do...I am not sure with the time change if you will be hungry or not but we can get something anytime." Leave it to Rosie to be so sweet about everything...He really wanted her to have a good time.

Two surprised blinks. "...Gifts?"


wholelotofrosie July 23 2009, 05:06:02 UTC
Rosie giggled. Don't look like this iffin' ya starved. Food is one-a my favorite parts a travelin'.

She smiled. Ain't comin' all way here with no gifts.


a_peaceful_aura July 23 2009, 05:20:52 UTC
From the train to a cab for the last ten blocks to their small house. The area was the perfect definition of a suburb with homes lined up one after the other down every street. A few small grocery stores and gas stations broke up the scene, but for the most part it was housing.

"Then we will get food whenever you would like. That is one good thing about Tokyo being so close, things are open at all hours."

Ah...Gifts. He should have gotten her something. He was failing at this host-thing. "Thank you very much...You did not have to go to so much trouble! I am supposed to be taking care of you, not the other way around..." Which he wasn't doing such a great job at, apparently...But he would get better! He hoped.

A couple of quick directions were given to the driver and they pulled into a driveway of a small two level home: garage underneath and living area above. The houses were packed so tightly together that there was no front yard, merely a small driveway and steps leading up to the door. A brown cat sat up in the windowsill and watched the proceedings below with great disinterest. "Here we are." He smiled tightly and got out of the cab, coming around to the other side to assist.
Welcome to casa de la Kayashima/Nakatsu, Rosie!


wholelotofrosie July 24 2009, 22:04:11 UTC
Girl ain't like me from not eatin' all the time. Rosie winked joking about herself. It was true. She would probably be smaller if she stopped eating all the time. Rosie giggle a bit.

Ain't no trouble at all. Rosie grinned. No.. no darlin'. I came here ta take care a my friend missin' his man.

She was gentle and smiled. Back in the states when ya gotta a girlfriend gotta travelin' man ya 'lways go seein' 'em ta cheer 'em up iffin' ya can.

Rosie was sort of awe struck by the place but some of it reminded her just a bit of the places she'd seen in England. Rosie was out of the car, getting her things and paying the cab before Kayashima could get around. She was an old pro when it came to travel like this.

It reminds me a some of England.


a_peaceful_aura July 24 2009, 22:51:57 UTC
Taiki didn't respond save for a small smile to both the comments on her size and about being taken care of. Different cultures he had to remind himself as she paid and collected her own things.

The place was similar to something you would find in English cities...But it was nothing fancy. Just a small wooden house crammed onto a street with hundreds of identical buildings lining both sides.

"Yes, you are right. Both countries have more people than they have space..." He led the way up, still a bit unhappy that she would not let him help, and unlocked the door. Taiki muttered a quick, automatic 'tadaima' though there was no one to greet him and slipped out of his shoes at the entryway. His bag was set against the small coat closet just inside the door and keys were tossed into the small dish on the windowsill.

A long wood-floored hallway ran down the entire house from the door to the back, splitting the home into two sides.
On the left, down two steps, was the living room: a worn couch, a reclining chair, television, and several shelves full of books and random artifacts from both his and Shuichi's travels.
On the right the kitchen. A tall island in the center doubled as a table, with four chairs pushed up against it. But for the most part the counters were bare...An electric teapot, a rack of teas, and tins of flour/sugar/coffee lined the back wall.

"Your room is down the hall after the living room, first one on the left." He explained, moving into the house. "The bathroom is on the right, my room at the end on the right, and the study is on the left." He rubbed the back of his neck, wondering if there was anything he had forgotten.

Oh yes.
"Rosie? Thank you for coming." His voice was soft but earnest.


wholelotofrosie July 24 2009, 23:05:36 UTC
An' I'm addin' ta England's problem. She said it cheerfully. She was still excited about moving because she hadn't really stayed in England since her things were moved there.

Rosie followed his lead and took off her shoes at the door as well. Resituating her bags she followed him trying to take in where everything as. Rosie smiled at his thanks.

Any time ya need me all ya gotta do is tell me. She meant it. Rosie didn't have many friends and so she took as much care as she could to make them know they were appreciated.


a_peaceful_aura July 27 2009, 20:09:19 UTC
He laughed at that. "I am positive it is for the better."

"It is the same for me...Anything you need." Taiki was in the same situation friend-wise. Rosie is extremely important to him.

"Once you are settled we go out somewhere...Or if you would like we can stay in...Please make yourself at home and let me know if you need anything." He fidgeted. Just a little.


wholelotofrosie July 27 2009, 21:45:43 UTC
Ain't no one like me. Rosie winked and grinned.

Don't need nothin' right now but let ya know iffin' I do.

Rosie started taking her suitcase toward her room and stopped. When ya want your gifts?


a_peaceful_aura July 27 2009, 21:59:48 UTC
He paused, unsure. "Ahm...Please, get settled and comfortable. Then we can do it whenever you would like."

A thought struck him, "Ah, are you allergic to cats? I can put her away if so..." He should probably track her down and make sure she was not destroying anything, as it was. Turning, he scanned the living room and kitchen for the MIA feline.


wholelotofrosie July 28 2009, 02:54:34 UTC
Ain't no matter a me. Rosie took her suitcase back to her room.

Stop worryin' darlin'. I ain't no fragile girl. Rosie came out from the back with a pretty large, Union Jack gift bag. We can do anythin' ya wanna.


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