For Charloft: Trapped in an elevator (Open Rp).

May 03, 2009 15:35

Rosie had been trying to keep busy as possible. Anything that kept her mind off of the fact Jonna was still in England for nearly another week. She was just returning to the hotel after a long walk. It seemed to take forever for the elevator to get to the lobby. Rosie hardly noticed as she searched through the music on her mp3 player. She stepped ( Read more... )

new york, taiki kayashima, charloft

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a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 05:46:57 UTC
His eyebrows pulled together and a look of concentration came over him as he tried to catch the words. Fast paced. Accent. Singing. Yelling. He managed to get most of it, though. Pulling his legs under him, he sat cross legged, chin in palm, and stared at the little radio as the guitars and voices screamed out over the speakers.

Well, if the emergency button hadn't worked, someone was sure to hear this.

He didn't know what he'd been expecting, but this most certainly was not it. He was used to the little poppy bands that Shuichi frequented. This was entirely different...Ain't exactly pretty...? He frowned, glancing sideways at her. That didn't seem very nice...But the rest (what he could understand) was fairly flattering...In an odd way.

"He performs this? He must care about you a great deal to sing it for other people."


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 05:56:26 UTC
Rosie did everything she could to not sing along. Her accent on top of everything would make it impossible for him to keep up.

Every show he does. There's other ones 'bout me too. Rosie started to glow again when she thought about him on stage singing. He'd sing 'bout anythin' for anyone but I like ta hear him sing what he's wrote 'bout me.

When I'm in the front row at a show he'll sing it to me sometimes.


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 06:14:03 UTC
Ahh...there it was. Beautiful, effusive, vibrant, glowing...happy yellows, and affectionate pinks. He wanted to wrap her aura around him like a blanket, cocooned in it forever. If only everyone were as pure in their emotions...This is exactly why he was attracted to people like her and Shuichi.

"Mmm..." He hummed thoughtfully, a small content smile on his lips. "Every show? You mentioned that he was on tour...does he perform often?"

If he wasn't careful, he was going to fall asleep...Beautiful warm aura, exhaustion from the past two days' work, stress over being seperated and away from home...It was all working against him. But he rubbed at his eyes and smiled at her last comment. "I can only imagine how that would feel."


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 06:19:28 UTC
Every one since he wrote it. Rosie had to think about it for a moment. She didn't think about the schedule in weeks like most people but in the chunks that represented countries or areas.

Most days. Usually does four shows then takes three days but ain't always. England they always do lotta shows.

Rosie watched him as he started looking sleepy. 'Lmost good as gettin' the ring.


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 06:30:17 UTC
His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "So often...The group must be popular." Taiki has been living under a rock (book) in Japan for the past 24+ years. "Where all do they perform?"

The ring? "You are engaged? Aa...Omedetou gozaimasu ~ Congratulations." He replied, head bobbing once and smile growing just a bit.


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 06:37:03 UTC
They've played in Japan few times but I ain't gotta go there. Rosie thought about it and looked a little overwhelmed. Everywhere? Don't think they play in South America or Africa but thinkin' they do everywhere else.

Gave it ta me before left England last week. If her aura was happy before it would somehow get happier. Being with him was her dream, more than a dream probably. Thank you, darlin'.

She said the Japanese, or what she assumed was Japanese under her breath again. Rosie always tried to learn foreign words just in case she would need them.


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 06:52:36 UTC
"Aa...Perhaps I should see them if they return." He wasn't sure that he'd be able to fulfill that statement...Large crowds -concerts, sporting events- meant a whole lot of auras and a whole lot of high-strung emotions. Overwhelming to say the least...but he was very interested in seeing the group she was so fond of (and connected to).

"Oh, so recent!" Oh, now that flame in her aura he could relate to...So familiar.

He grinned when she repeated the words and nodded in encouragement. "You are very good."


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 07:01:46 UTC
They are playin' here next week. Rosie smiled. She always encouraged people to come and see them. Sometimes she would drag her friends backstage with her.

Ya but ain't surprisin' ta anyone. been together long time.

Rosie was embarrassed at first that he caught her but quickly smiled again. 'Lways tryin' ta learn other languages 'cause I'm 'lways travelin'. I can speak two an' tryin' ta learn more.


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 07:21:16 UTC
"Mmm...What day? I am not sure if my business here is finished; perhaps I will still be around." Pesky spirits. He leaned his head back against the wall, hands clasped in his lap.

"Regardless, it does not make it any less important or exciting. In fact, it may be more so..." He was once again relaxed as they talked, his earlier anxieties gone. It had been a long time since he'd conversed normally with someone other than Shuichi...But he couldn't help it. Her genuine personality and aura put him completely at ease.

"Really? Which ones have you been studying?" He wished that he spoke more languages, especially Latin and Spanish. That would be oh-so-helpful in his work... Not many could appreciate how difficult it was to get a translator for a ghost that was rattling of some insane monologue in a foreign language.


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 07:28:57 UTC
Wednesday. Iffin' ya still around I'm in 224. I can get ya tickets. She wasn't pushing but it was an honest offer.

Thinkin' was how sneaky he got doin' it. Thought he was jokin' me again. Rosie couldn't help but be happy.

I can speak French an' Jonna's dialect of English, called Geordie or Tyne. Lotta people, most English speakers, can't understand it. Rosie had thought about Spanish as her next language or maybe German. She didn't know but it was something to do on the road. Some-a the interviewers ask me ta help figure out what he's sayin'.


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 07:43:41 UTC
"Thank you very much. I will let you know." He replied, genuinely grateful. Taiki didn't know it yet, but he would be in the city for quite a while...

"Oh really?" He questioned, intentionally generic. Taiki wondered what could have happened, but 24 years of not prying into other people's business was deeply ingrained within him.

"I have met only a couple of people from England...But it is very different from what is spoken here. Especially with how quickly they talk." He frowned a bit, recalling one such attempted conversation.


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 07:58:11 UTC
You're welcome.

Rosie felt a little shy about being engaged. Part of it was the fame but also the joy. She was so happy about it that sometimes it made her quiet.

We were out with the guitarist an' their wives. 'Lways jokin' 'cause Jonna an' I been together long as they have but ain't married. Angy even gotta 'lil girl. He was drinkin' came up whisperin' 'bout it. Thought he was teasin' 'til looked down and he had a ring.

Rosie started laughing. I sat there starin' like an idiot girl.

Mosta the English can't understand him. She smiled. Aye, ya me Geordie's like a summat differin' met.

That's how he sounds when don't think 'bout talkin' like rest of us. She grinned. What I said was "Geordies are different than everyone else." Sorta.


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 16:55:57 UTC
Taiki smiled gently as she recounted the event. "I like that..." He said quietly when she was finished. "It is better than the cookie-cutter proposal. ...More personal." So warm and cozy...He blinked slowly, reveling in the good company, good aura, and the current lethargy that was overtaking him.

He chuckled softly when she switched dialects. "I am not sure that can still be classified as English...It is facinating how languages can deviate from region to region."


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 18:47:50 UTC
Be surprisin' iffin' Jonna ever did anythin' by tradition.

Rosie nodded at his comment about the language. Geordie ain't all plain English. Got Welsh an' some other stuff in it. Does Japanese got dialects too?


a_peaceful_aura May 6 2009, 21:04:40 UTC
"That can be nice, though." He wasn't exactly sure how he felt about the subject, himself...His life was anything but traditional...But he often wondered what it would be like...Holidays. Regular jobs. The 'domestic' life...

Taiki smiled to himself. "Yes, Japan has several different dialects, depending on class, region, occupation, education..." Oh, how he loved to tease Shuichi about his Kansai-ben accent...His smile widened just a bit at that thought. He hoped their game was going well...


wholelotofrosie May 6 2009, 22:40:48 UTC
Iffin' ya like surprises. Rosie shrugged. She loved that their life was not what she had grown up expecting. I love 'em.

Guessin' English is the same. Australian, couple from England, few from the states. All of 'em are different. Rosie giggled at the smile he got. Ya thinkin' a somethin' devious?

He had that look to him. Jonna always had that look of being amused and thinking of something. It was one of the things that had attracted her to him.


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