All your doom belongs to us...

Sep 06, 2010 21:30

While I am by no means a metalhead, and truly here "no" means no, I do on occasion enjoy pummeling my body with the oh-so-rumbly heaviness of double-bass drums and the doom-pulse of drop-tuned bass while electric riff currents burn through my torso and shock out my fingers in what appears to by convulsive stints of air-guitaring.

Having recently picked up the new Sword album, the beautifully-covered "Warp Riders", I decided I should just go ahead and steel-up my iPod a little more...

...which of course is how I got here online wanting to write about how brilliant Baroness is. My latest metal crush and one of the bands I just decided to meld to my iTunes library. Not only is their album art sick as hell but they move through so many genres, simply metal-ing them is almost not fair. Damn, are they awesome.

The problem is, due to my overall lack of metalness I don't really know where to go from there. I mean, I know a lot of old-school classic metal but outside a handful of bands, I get really lost, really fast. And since I tend to dislike harsh-vocals... sorry grindcore... I often am afraid to even step into the waters.

Which I guess leads to the posing question: Where next?

I already listen to Mastodon, the Sword, and Priestess, as well as Mono, Pelican, and Boris, whom I realize all have dubious metal credentials. What else has that epic past/future fantasy brilliance to it?

Basically I want to walk around everywhere like I'm in a Frank Frazetta painting. How do I make this work?
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