Jun 21, 2024 11:58
I am not a proud man. What sees these spiders
omly partially protruding from the between the stairs
in our back basement hallway and goes in to crush
the unsuspecting reddish brown beast and all day
beforehand I dread what was coming burst blisters
that newly formed on the underside of my foot
wished I was dead or anywhere else at work and still
tried my best not to detatch completely from my shift
and here then the spiders which seem to proliferate
in the summer months and within the dog hair
and dirt whisps that collect in stairwell and night
is no help given how dark it gets and then out
from the cracks scuttle like ten million of these
creepy little monsters and I can't be convinced
that they are benign. Squish. Pop. Squish. The squooze
innards pulping beneath a tissue the crunch of exo
skeleton carapace whatever horrid shell it is
that animates these critters to scurry in the dark
almost blending into the carpet but not the wall
where I managed to pinch it between the paper
and press until it burst and I felt a little safer
even though I am sure the spider had nothing to do
with the holes in my foot or my head or wherever
the holes always manage to go.