First, let's list all of your active characters and their PBs.
Heh. Active.
whoiamundrneath - Bruce Wayne/Batman - PB: Christian Bale
theysayimdoomed - Miles Lawson/The Jackass - PB: Ben McKenzie
letsface_it - Tony Stark/Iron Man /Clearly Better Than Batman - PB: Robert Downey Jr.
like_afreak - Alex Woolsly/Aquadude (Coming v. v. soon.) - PB: Justin Baldoni
Who is your favorite PB and why?
Bruce's because he's hot, Tony's for everything else.
Do you have a least favorite PB?
Absolutely not. I love all my boys.
Is there anyone you don't use a PB for?
Nah, the lack of graphics would irritate the hell out of me.
Who was the hardest to pick a PB for?
I remember Miles being a disturbingly tough cast. He's the son of two characters, so Sasha!Mun and I were knocking around a lot of different names. As she often does, she saved my ass by handing me Ben McKenzie, and we've been together ever since. *sniffle* I've never looked back.
Who has your favorite icons?
Bruce's because he's hot, Tony's for everything else. (See a pattern forming?)
Who has the worst icons?
Alex, hands down. There just aren't enough out there. But I think the lapdance icon saves him.
Do you decide to RP characters and then go PB hunting, or do you create characters based off a desire to use a certain PB?
Both. Sasha!Mun and I have been playing together a long time, and we kind of constructed our own little world with various muses, Miles, Sasha, Shane, and various others all being part of that. And a lot of the time, we had actual ideas that we had to go cast. But there were more than enough times where we went "Franco character. Need one." and made excuses for that later. It's all justified. Honest.
Have you ever changed a character's PB midway through playing them?
Yes. Sadly.
Seriously though how annoying is it to have to do that?
It's painful, man. No lie. No lie. But if Joaquin Phoenix hadn't lost his damn mind...
Do you make your own icons?
That's a definite no. I have nowhere near the skills nor the patience, I rely on the work of others. That's me, leeching.
Have you ever had to Photoshop aspects of a character's look onto icons?
Those attempts still haunt my nightmares to this very day.
Do you like using popular PBs?
Pffft. Only if they amuse me.
If you know a PB is used by other people "around town", does it make you less likely to use them, even if they're perfect? For OCs?
Depends on how they're being used, and how badly I want to do the cast.
Have you ever felt territorial or protective over a PB?
A smidge.
Are there any PBs you are seriously sick to death of seeing?
Sophia Bush. ^_^
Do you like having misc stock/text icons for your characters?
Depends on the text. If it fits, or I love it enough to find some excuse for it, I'll grab it.
Do you pick out PBs and icons for NPC characters?
If I have, I don't remember it.
What about pets?
I wish. Ace and Lucifer should have icons...
Go through all your characters. Pick out your favorite icon. List it. Explain why.
whoiamundrneath - Representative of one of my all time favorite scenes in The Dark Knight, hands down.
thesayimdoomed - Because it's a good night for Miles. Why wouldn't I love it?
letsface_it - It's Tony and his first love, and probably his most used icon. Aren't they sweet together?
like_afreak - If you can't tell why, I'm sad for you.