Apr 12, 2005 16:19
So I sat at my table for the last hour separating my lucky charms. I finished about 10 minutes ago. I now have a bowl of delicious crunchy-esque marshmellows, and a bowl of not-so-delicioius crunchy frosted wheat things. I'm about to eat the marshmellows and throw away the rest. Why don't they just make a cereal of just marshmellows? Who wouldn't buy it? I know I'd buy it.
I almost hit a parked today. It was short. I couldn't see it and almost pulled into the spot that it was occupying. Isn't there a seinfeld episode about short cars? I seem to remember something like that.
I don't know how much more of this I can take. Being grounded sucks, there's nothing to do. I found myself playing video games, eating Ice cream, and separating lucky charms. This is in no way a productive way to spend my time. Maybe I'll build something. Like a treehouse...nevermind, we dont have any trees. I think im going take some pictures of stuff...I'lll post them later.