The middle of a circus ring is a good place to give orders from. Mick supposed he gave a lot of them, but only what had to be given, in his opinion. He had a microphone and a megaphone, and used them both, but neither of them seemed to work out. The megaphone was too square for his taste, like some kind of school days phys-ed control freak. And the
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She sighted George Harrison seated off to the side of the action, playing the guitar to entertain John and Cynthia's boy Julian. She waved to George and received a nod in return. Kim, surprised to see a child of Julian's age here at such an event, decided to wander over to see if maybe they wanted some extra company.
A few minutes later, George was pleased to see Kim approaching. Being a mum herself, maybe she’d have ideas for cheering up and entertaining a six year old.
“Kimmie,” he said, flashing the trademark Harrison grin. “Good to see you. Have you met Julian, John’s son?”
God, the boy was quiet. Too much time spent moping around with his mother. Today would do him good, bring him out of himself.
"George, I need you," he said, grabbing George by the arm and pulling him up, "now that John's playing daddy." Without waiting for an answer, they were off to a dressing room.
He pulled away slightly to give Eric the eye. "I've been meaning to ask you, though. What have you been up to with Mick. The stories I've been hearing about you and Mick and Keef..." He shook his head in mock disapproval. "Quite scandalous really!"
Exhaling, he looked slyly at Eric before breaking into a grin.
He was sorely tempted to call his bluff. He could so easily push Eric over the counter and just take him. He'd been just about begging for it all night.
What a wonderful scandal if someone were to walk in. He eyed Eric hungrily and took another hit on the joint. "You're such a slut, Clapper," he said, eyes twinkling.
"Not nice, Georgie. You're calling me names and you're hogging the joint. Bring it over here, won't you?"
He had to come over, Eric thought. He had to come over because Eric was just desperate to touch him.
He'd have to be careful since Eric's teasing had an air almost of delirium.
"What did you take?" he asked, coming closer to hand the joint to Eric and squatting in front of him to get a better look at his friends' dilated pupils.
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