
Mar 31, 2008 14:54

Oh, do shut up.

Regardless of how natural or otherwise a human is, it still feels deeply, and is just as human as everything else that is human. We're all human, even mister Greed-- especially mister Greed, even if I'm sure most of us have felt the sudden urge to rearrange his dental work.

(Bless you, mister Greed, I apologize for making you an object lesson.)

In better news, then, spring has arrived, which means that in near enough time there will be more visits to the Father Confessor. So may all of you adorable little hormones just pray, and carry yourselves so that when the time comes that you're ready for senseless acts of procreation, you try to hold onto your responsibilities.

Nobody's perfect, but even a chimpanzee can work a condom wrapper!

starting shit, humilitas, worst priest evar, hypocrite abel is a hypocrite, i'm on your side, for crissakes, do not want, i have to protect them, humanitas, not enough hugs as a child, mister greed, i c wut u did thar, birds and the bees, cry moar, lilith, the opposite sex, ira, sticking his nose in

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