Hullo, city! I would like to inform you all that a very good friend of mine and a trusted partner for a few years now has just arrived (for a second or third time, apparently) so please be sure to greet her appropriately and say hello to:
I realize of course that she has gorgeous sparkling blue eyes and a face like the finest porcelain doll, but I ask that any gentlemen inclined toward that sort of thing to please keep his eyes and hands to himself. She is a nun.
Ahm...miss Asta, Your Grace, by way of the apology I can't reinforce enough, I gathered you some sunflowers from Xanadu today, I left them in a vase for you. I think I may be allergic, though, because I've sneezed so much today my nose keeps bleeding.
[Private to Samara]
You're barking up the wrong damn tree.
[Private to Radu]
I'm going to politely request that you not harm a single hair on Esther Blanchett's head. I'm very fond of her hair, so believe me when I say that I'll notice. I'm a man of principles, but I'm beginning to wonder; is it killing if he's already dead?