Apr 11, 2008 19:53
[Voice Post]
Remember, every one of you, that God helps those who help themselves! These things are far too much a nasty reminder of things I've seen at home, but blessedly much smaller and more easily destroyed although the parrot-talking is distinctly creepy.
I'm going out! If anyone needs assistance, please let me know! I am willing and able to protect you, in the name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit amen.
[the noise of a gunshot sounds, followed by a fit of coughing and an uncomfortable pause.]
[a wet, squishing noise, some thuds in quick succession, and the noise of metal twanging is met with a second uncomfortable pause.]
Oh, damn.
[ooc: Was going to go check on the women he knows first. Instead, slipped in exploded monster jelly while making his way out the door to the stairwell through his revolver smoke and got his head caught in the stairwell railing.]
what fresh new hell is this,
arcanum cella ex dono dei,
worst priest evar,
get behind thee satan,
i'm on your side,
this damnable city,
needs an exorcism,
for crissakes,
do not want,
why i never,
i have to protect them,
o pity me,
oh bother,
a fleshwound,
holy shit,
i c wut u did thar,
cry moar,
buddy system works,