Nov 17, 2004 05:39
Not very much has gone on since my last post. I've still been over at Le'Ron's house. I guess I'll stay until after the DDR tournament or something. I don't know. It doesn't seem like my life is going anywhere right now.
Well I guess the depression is actually gone, but now there are things that I'm just bothered by. I haven't talked to Stacy in a while, partly because my phone is off at the momment. I actually started to look back on my life for that past month or so and realized how big a part she played in it. I really do want her to be happy, but she seems to be going through some drama right now that I have decided not to be a part of. Stacy just know that I do care about you and if there's anything I can do for you just ask. Actually that goes for anyone of my friends.
I think some things have gotten out of hand lately. I mean what's up with Robert's journal? Some crazy stuff is going on there and I think that words are being said that will be regretted later. I have chosen to stay out of it for the most part, but it doesn't look like this is going to end anytime soon. I just hope that one day we will all be able to look back on this and laugh.
I haven't seen to much of the mall group lately. Not like I don't want to see them or anything. It just seems that whenever I go to the mall I'm spending money so in order to save money I don't go to the mall. Makes sense I guess. I just wish that I could see them outside of the mall. I just feel so left out and that the group didn't really need me anyway. Have you ever just looked at a group you hang out with and noticed they were having fun without you? That's not really a good feeling. But enough with the negativity. The person I actually miss most out of the group is Dez. I don't know it's just something about her that makes me feel comfortable around her. Maybe it's just because she is so genuine. I feel like I can tell her anything...even though I haven't. I've never really gotten a chance to just sit down one on one and have a conversation with her. I guess I'll have to do that sometime in the future.
Well I guess that's about it for now. Until next time.