Nov 04, 2004 03:49
Wow... was there a day that I was actually happy. I really can't believe it. Well it really wasn't even the whole day just part of it. I actually forgot all about the bad things going on in my life and just focused on the good part. I seem to have rectified a friendship that I thought might have been lost forever. I thank whichever diety had something to do with that.
Okay... ummm most of yesterday, election day, was pretty bad. Car situation finally came to a crashing halt when I finally got a chance to confront my stepmom. Her response was to just drive off in my car. I didn't want it to come to this but now there's actually going to be legal preceedings to rectify this situation. I miss my car. To be so close to it and not have it was just horrible to say the least.
I went to vote. Yay my first presidential vote ever. Doesn't really matter who I voted for just the fact that I voted should be enough. I dunno I kinda felt like it was my civil duty to vote. At least I did somthing semi-positive.
Well I'll have to say that the best part of my day was rectifying a situation that I had created. I felt so bad about what I had done that it wasn't even funny. I found it hard to concentrate on anything else. I feel so good right now though. I haven't felt like this in a long time. I really hope this feeling stays.