Dec 23, 2004 18:09
i've been doing 10-6s lately and its killing me. i hung out with taylor, daniel, and winston. i love'em i had a few questions to ask winston but never really got to that. daniel gave me one of the most amazing gifts. FINALLY me and taylor are hanging out alot more. i wish UPS would hurry up, me + xmas = ready.i hung out with joe and co. earlier this week and that was alot of fun, the highlight of the night in my opinion was "sirens" which i recommend renting. but warping back to last night we stopped by gabes and saw mary and ole scottys little sister who thinks of her brother as "more retarded then a cockroach" considering that fact that he actually is retarded AND if your "more retarded" then a cockroach...your pretty damn retarded, and winston called me ugly which i didn't like. i smoked all of my exams so its 90% that i'm gonna have all As & Bs and one C (chemistry). before that i was invited to katie stevens party which i actually really considered going to but later found out all that really happened was they all got high which i didn't want to surround myself with. i'm liking the holidays so far besides my sux work schedule. i've been having alot on my mind lately, mostly gaming, which i like ALOT. um what else what else what else i'm getting metal DDR pads which is cool even though i doubt i'll play much, i'm already slowly losing interest and am already satisfied with my skill level. i want to elaborate on alot more games but i also don't feel like typing that much. when was the last time i wrote an entry this big? maybe the last one whining about religion, LAME. i kinda hope alot of my friends don't get me presents cause they won't really know what i want and #2 i'll have to buy then presents back and they'll prob be more expensive just because i have this thing about out doing people whenever its possible.i hate sentences, phrases, and etc that end with either "saves" or "kills"