meme: alphebet stuff

Sep 12, 2010 19:50

Stolen from everyone, but most specifically causticchick

A is for ACCENT: Australian to everyone else, vaguely scouse to Australians.

B is for BREAST SIZE: 32C ... not my biggest asset.

C is for the CHORE YOU HATE: Cleaning the shower recess. Bah.

D is for my DAD'S NAME: The one I speak to? Jim.

E is for the ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: Laura Mercier mineral foundation in soft porcelain. It breathes, it's natural looking and I don't have to bother with taking it off if I get home late and crash.

F is for FAVORITE PERFUME: I have never had a perfume I love more than Le Labo Patchouli 24. This is the scent I will wear for the rest of my life, even if it does make me smell like a dirty hippie.

G is for GOLD OR SILVER: Does white gold count? Um, mostly gold, but that's circumstantial.

H is for HOMETOWN: Melbs! Go Melbournites.

I is for INSOMNIA: Yeah, hello old friend. Apparently I'm cured by listening to rain, though.

J is for JOB TITLE: Registered Midwife - Specialist Women's Clinic.

K is for KIDS: Just two mutts.

L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: A house I bought with my husband, who's left me, so I have no idea where that leaves me in the near future.

M is for MOM'S BIRTHPLACE: Punta Cardón, Venezuela.

N is for the NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: Today? Two.

O is for OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Two; one for a cardiac arrhythmia, one for hip surgery.

P is for PHOBIA: Mould. Like whoah.

Q is for QUEST: Be daring, live life.

R is for RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Raised to question, historically pagan, mostly buddhist now.

S is for SIBLINGS: Adopted sister x 1, full sister x 1, half brothers x 3.

T is for the TIME YOU WAKE UP: For an early shift, 5:45 am. For a late, usually about 8:30 am. For night duty, after 5:30pm if I'm lucky.

U is for the UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS YOU'VE WORN: Everything from pink to black (I'm a natural strawberry blonde).

V is for the VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Never met a veggie I don't like.

W is for WORST HABIT: Emotional eating, although I'm getting better.

X is for the X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Chest/thoracic/heart x 4, VQ scan x 1, hip x 3.

Y is for the YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: Lately? Apple, raspberry and walnut loaf with ricotta and honey. Mmm.

Z is for ZANY QUIRK: I spend at least the first song in any given set singing with my eyes closed. It takes me that long to chillax.


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