personal meme-age

Sep 15, 2009 11:38

Gakked from mickat24

My username is: whochick because I originally joined LJ to be fannish about things, the foremost of which was DW and I thought it was a little more open to interpretation than "whofan" or "whonut" ... not that those aren't amusing, especially the latter. I've had moments where I've thought about changing it, but really, I like my anonymity and it only screams crazy whovian to those who know me best or peeps on the comms.

My journal name is: whochick, because ... well, anonymity.

My title is: also whochick, probably for consistency's sake or something. I'm boring you with this meme now, aren't I?

My subtitle is: "I'm not used to feeling like I belong where I am," which is a quote from Robert Downey Jr, because frankly, the man is a shining example of how to fuck your life up and crawl out the other side of it wiser and more amusing than ever. It's also very indicative of my state of mind regarding life at the moment.

My friends page is called: "You can still make mistakes and be forgiven," which is also a RDJ-sim (can you tell I've got a bit of hero worship going on?) and pretty much epitomises my take on friendship. Friends are those who see you at your worst, shake their head and smile, then pick you up, dust you off and say "you know what? I love you enough that it's okay." I quite honestly don't know if I'd be sane, safe or worth anything today without some of you.

My default userpic is: A sleepy|moody girl zoned out on the music as made by terminologique because she has a wonderful way with stock images and I can relate to the feeling this icon evokes. Sometimes, all I need to get by is a good track or two and the time to listen.

You guys?


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