Adventures in Dreamland

Dec 30, 2012 04:50

So, a couple of months ago, I started having extremely vivid dreams on a regular basis. This is after a long period of dream dormancy, during which I either was not dreaming or I simply wasn't remembering the dreams I had.

The dream that kickstarted my currently active dreaming cycle was as follows:

I was in "San Francisco" with my brother Dylan. I say, "San Francisco" because it clearly was *not* that city. There were no familiar landmarks or neighborhoods, and I had no signs or other clues to tell me that I was in San Francisco; I just knew I was there. My brother and I walked for what seemed like a very long time, trying to find a place to stay. Another interesting factoid was that no matter how far or how long we walked, it was always daytime. We were always drenched in sunlight as one would be on a perfect May or early June day here in Minneapolis. Also, instead of hotels. the only places of lodging we seemed to come across in this really large city were Bed and Breakfasts. Anyhow, they all had no vacancy signs, and finally Dylan decided to wander off and explore the city on his own. I kept going until I found a sign in the window of a Chinese restaurant that said "ROOM for RENT." I walked into the restaurant and was greeted warmly by the hostess/owner of the place. She had Asian features and a long silk dress, but her skin was very pale as if she were dead.

She took me through the restaurant and the back kitchens, and then upstairs to a room that contained an antique, four-poster bed. the room was rather large, and at the opposite end there was a row of elderly Asian women sitting in wheelchairs and smoking, and all of them were wearing mumus or housedresses like the kind you'd see women wearing in the 1960s. Their hairstyles were also of that era, and they were all either watching the TV intensely or their gazes were fixed on me.

The next thing I noticed about the room was that someone was sleeping in the bed. It was a very small figure, completely wrapped up in blue blankets the way a baby would be swaddled, though I sensed intuitively that this person was an adult. Briefly I saw their face and it was male, with pitch-black skin, but I had a sense of him being Hispanic. He was very friendly but very weak. I turned to the row of women watching us and said, "Well this won't work, he's in my bed." And they then pulled aside a curtain at the end of the room, revealing an alcove with a recliner and a bookshelf. I was then told that I was there to help the swaddled figure die, not to sleep in the bed myself.

The next memory I have from the dream is of easing the swaddled figure into a giant, old-school Victorian style metal diving suits. Once I closed the helmet and sealed him in, I gently eased the diving suit into the water of what I thought was a swimming pool - but once he was in the water, I realized it was actually a river and he was carried away downstream. Then I woke up.

This dream has stayed with me and it was over a month ago that I had it. In consulting a friend of mine who knows more about such dreams than I do, I've come to believe that my soul actually did travel to a train station, if you will, or transit hub of some kind for the dead. I believe the swaddled figure actually was a fragile soul that I was assisting in the process of passing on. As I mentioned in my last post, for the past few months now I have been working as a CNA, specifically in an assisted living facility for elderly people with Alzheimer's or other dementia diagnoses. It's been challenging work but I actually find it very rewarding and I feel as if I've found my calling, so to speak. I really want to be a hospice nurse.

I had another dream a few nights ago that was similar to my San Francisco dream, but I was in London. A dear friend of mine had died (in the dream) and I was there to try to find and attend his funeral, but I kept getting waylaid by random events and delays. In the dream, my friend had known he was going to die (?) and therefore had one of his closest friends, a female with dark hair and blue eyes, meet me to help guide me through to where I needed to go. I have never placed much stock in the idea of spirit guides, but I wonder if some of these people in the dreams - the dark haired girl in London, the Asian woman in the restaurant - are manifestations of entities that have that role in my existance. But what do I know? All I know is that, in the mean time, I need to figure out a way to suppress or at the very least separate myself from the more intense, often violent dreams I've been having in between. I feel like I'm in the middle of a mob of different entities during these dreams, and all of them are trying to shout at me or get my attention at once. Which, of course, doesn't work very well.

Blah, I finally feel tired enough to try to get some sleep. Comments or insight are always, always welcome,.
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