(no subject)

Aug 30, 2004 15:40

DATED ON 8/28/04, 12:00A.M.-1:00P.M.

"look, alright.. ill talk to you later, peace." He hung up the phone. It was late, he was tired. Bur he was even more so fed up with the house. He had just gotten off the phone with his best friend.
Downstairs his mom was watching concerts on DVD with the surround sound turned up to a deafening volume. She was a little tipsy, but her boyfriend and his friend were trashed. It turned out that her boyfriend had gone to sleep in the basement a while back and she was only up with his friend watching these concerts and singing. He got up from the computer and put up an away message, with the thought in mind of escape.
"Mom, im going out,"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm meeting my friend down near the pool."
"well drive there, its in the neighborhood, i dont care."
"okay whatever, love you. be back later." he took the keys to his car and headed outside. He didnt even have a liscence, but i guess it didn't matter, this was an opportunity that was damn well given and he was going to take it.
Climbing into the car he could see that his moms boyfriend had woken up and was stumbling down the main hall towards the upstairs staircase. His mom followed but he was grumpy. About five minutes and a half mile later he was at the pool meeting his friend. He picked him up and they both headed back to the house.
"so whats up man."
"Not much, im just, well.. i needed to get out of the house."
"fair enough,"
The conversation fell into in depth topics. well how in depth do you get? they were two best friends chatting about girls, and their crazy dysfunctional families. Then a door slammed upstairs, about 3 times, in a row, for no apparent reason. Silence struck the friends. They listened, and any topic they spoke of fell off a cliff. They couldnt even come up with what they had started talking about.
"please, calm.... honey...." it was muffled but they could make it out a little.
"why.... fucking....... peice....sh..... son....."
"what are..... hit..... you.......," something dropped, or shattered. Or something. It was loud, there was noise. and it wasnt only yelling, it was something shattering. Definitely shattering. then there was just crying. then silence.

he took his friend home. he came home. he watched his mom cry on the couch.
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