May 11, 2004 21:04
As far as the world turning i have no force or power behind my back to help me spin it. I am not a man above other men, but a man in itself and the meaning of the world. And like any other man i make mistakes. I make big mistakes sometimes. So the dilemma is the sorry, and the forgiveness. And trust me, i dont feel good for any mistake i made. Its not the definition of "mistake" if you feel jusified behind something, now is it? So lets lay something out for everyone:
I feel it was a mistake on my part that i have not been accessible for the past 3 months or so.
I feel it was a mistake on my part to be anti-social towards many people who actually care about me. To put a group of great people at risk just to meet new people is not something that i intended to put in the front of my mind.
I feel it was a mistake on my part to ever entertain the thoughts in other peoples minds about love and relationship whenever the intent had no foundation. this does not mean that i dont care and i lead on other people, it means i have gone off on tangents with my feelings without looking down at my feet and realizing that i am not standing, but, in fact, floating and not making the correct, thought-out, just, decisions.
I feel it is immoral for me to stand here and say "i will change" over and over, whenever every fucking time i end up being the same. I am eternally sorry for the stupid acts i have brought upon people. i am sorry for making mistakes.
I also feel it is unfair for people to not tell me how they feel. I dont write these entries because i dont care.
I am sorry for victimizing people. I still have several confrtontations of my own. And many things i need to tell people myself. I am not a leader of men.
i just wish more people could be honest with me.