teee heee teee heee.
today was a fun day.
I went to the movies with Jessica, Alyssa, and Kourtney :D
We saw Night At The Museum. It was cute! lol about stupid monkeys and creepy old men who used to work at the museum. And about people who sit behind you and laugh at nothing.
Is it sad that during the previews the second a preview started I shouted "HARRY POTTER!!!!" really loud?? (and it was the HP trailer.. lol) Alyssa thought it was creepy, but Kourtney also knew it! SO HA!
Afterward we went to Buffalo Wild Wings, and I got a salad!! yuummmm.
Then we went to Cold Stone :D!!!!!
Kourtney had to leave shortly after, and soon after that Alyssa's mom picked us up and took us back to Alyssa's.
We watched this weird German video on youtube. lol - NO OFFENSE JESSICA!! (who now has a livejournal!!... so I can't talk about her anymore.. ; ) jk)
We watched Mean Girls!! yay! Me gusta Mean Girls.
This entry was "sooo fetch"