(no subject)

Oct 06, 2006 22:14

So today:

I slept in, because I went to the doctor's office at 9 because my eyes are again, very pink. So my doctor checked them out and took a cotton swab of my nose.. and came back and said... *dun dun dun*.. "IT'S NOT PINK EYE.. it's just a virus." lol.. so basically it's allergies and I probably itched my eyes and a virus entered. So it's all good, (it's not contagious) so I went to schoooooool. GREAT! I didn't get to miss my history quiz. lol. I'm actually happy about that though, cause I hate making stuff up, and it can get complicated. SO I go to history, it's boring.. we take our quiz the second part of class.. I did good. 
Then English: 
We went down to the library because I had another quiz! It was really easy, and my teacher is awesome and lets us take the quiz and then we see all the right answers, then we retake it. right away =] EASY-PEASEY.  And I found out that I have 100% in that class =D yay!!
It was pretty uneventful after school.. I got my HAIR DVD!! That was good. I went home and watched some of it, then I went for a walk, and walked to Natalie's house to get my necklaces that I left their from a sleepover a looong time ago. That was nice. I love the weather, it's not hot and it's not freezing, it's just perfect.

I did some homework, and I ran out of things to do so here's what I did :

Type your cut contents here.

I think people should print this out and post it on their wall. .. yeah..

well.. I had fun making it. lol

and now my dad is yelling at me so see yaa.
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