The elusive Ariel

Apr 14, 2023 09:09

When your brother invited me out, and mentioned that he had a sister who had lived in Eugene, I thought, oh cool. I had zero expectations. You happened to be quite attractive, but also seemed somewhat disinterested in me. As the night wore on, you did warm to me a bit, but I was still surprised when you asked if I wanted to come over for a drink. Even then I was thinking, I just met Ariel, and I hope that we can be friends.

Then I spent a sleepless night lying next to you, absorbing your energy, and a switch flipped in my head. It's quite rare that this happens. In fact I'm exceedingly picky, to a fault probably. But with certain energies, all it takes is a single spark, and I'm overflowing with affection for a person I barely know.

It all seems so silly, and it is. I'm just sharing so you have a slightly better understanding of me. And I want you to know that this affection comes from the most genuine, virtuous part of my self. It doesn't have any expectations of reciprocity. It doesn't get angry or jealous. It's simply an expression of appreciation for another human soul. And it usually based on intuition alone.

But in this case I would say my intuition was on to something. As I've gotten to know you a little better, I've seen how kind you are to your friends, the heart you have for animals, your love for reading, and even the way you have been accommodating to me. You are a free spirit, and an independent thinker. And your smile, you have the most precious smile. Even the way you walk is endearing. More simply put, you are a genuinely beautiful person Ariel.

I'm telling you this not because I'm trying to win you over, or capture your affection. In fact by sharing these words, I'm trying to let go of these feelings, and return to my original plan, of being your friend!



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