what comes after balloting

Feb 13, 2019 13:46

hello konnichiwa. after a week i'm posting again~~!

today's topic is about my balloting process (before and after lol). in the last post i said that i joined the JFC already. here comes the real deal, that is the balloting for [and more] concerts ^^.

before putting the ballot, i was thinking to look for a ballot partner to level up the opportunities bcs we can only ballot for 2 tickets per ballot. and if we want to ballot for 2 tickets, we have to put in each other's fanclub information (name & FC number). i tweeted a tweet that i'm looking for a ballot partner and i found my partner soon enough. we balloted in 3 Feb (i know it's kinda late since the balloting ends at 8 Feb but who cares hahaha).

i balloted for 15, 24, 25 Dec and my friend balloted for 7, 8, 14 Dec. we tried varying our dates but still we gambled to hit the December dates hahaha. the result for my ballot will come at 13 March since my FC number is in 5-9 range, meanwhile my friend will get hers at 1 March.

now we can only hope for the best to come (><) i'm wishing all of us who ballot the bestest luck! God bless us!!

arashi, concert, firstexperience

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