Mar 14, 2019 19:00
hey guys. so i'm here to talk about the ballot result of mine.
i know this sounds anticlimatic, but i didn't hit. but well, honestly nearing the result date i didn't feel nervous at all. well, okay i admit i felt nervous at the day of the ballot result, but not the days before it. i kinda know that the dates that i chose is a long shot, i need a super mega luck to hit them. but then i heard that there are some people that has hit twice (in 2018 & 2019)! i mean, HOW??? from where did you get that kind of luck??? some people in twitter said that it was maybe some bug in the balloting system that messed up some ballots but hey! how come Johnny's didn't prevent this to happen??? didn't Jun say that Arashi want more people to come see them??? how can some people hit TWICE???? i'm speechless.
BUT! there is actually a slim slim chance that we -who failed this ballot- to hit some tickets. there is this system called "resurrection winning". so if there is some people who didn't pay in time, those tickets will be balloted again for us. well! hope everything goes as exactly i want it to be lol. though the possibilities are 0,0000000000001%, there is still hope.
all i can do now is doing my best to collect money for my Japan trip! this December, i WILL go back to Japan!! no matter i hit or not :)