bored and thinking..

Sep 16, 2003 23:56

[in a relationship now (how long):] nopee..
[how long since last serious relationship:] like.. 1 or 2 months..
[# of relationships longer than 3 months:] 3
[# of relationships shorter than a month:] like 2..
[longest relationship how many months:] 19.. ((1 yr and 7 months ))
[ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend (how many): LoL, ya.. but thats a looong story..
[ever done the long distance thing:] yea, but not kowingly..
[do you have faith in long distance relationships:] i wish.. i would so be with andrew rite now..
[do you date:] heh.. i guess..
[on dates do you pay or get paid for:] both.. normally paid for.. but i never go out, so ya know..
[describe your typical date:] movie.. fast food.. good convo.. nice kiss *maybe*
[ever been on a blind date:] yeh.. i dont recommend it!
[ever dated more than one person at a time:] ive never had more than 1 b/f at a time.. ive had more than 1 hookup..
[do you call or get called:] both..
[ever have "friends with benefits":] :) of course.. what would life be without those?
[ever cheated:] yea :(
[ever had your heart broken:] yea.. it like my hobby..
[ever been dumped:] yea..

[do you put out the first night:] no
[last sexual episode:] like a month ago.. maybe 2..
[do you kiss on the first date:] yea.. normally.. if the feeling is there..
[what kind of person gets your number:] i dunno..

[ever been in love(how many times):] who knows what love is.. cause i sure as hell dont..
[say I love you even thou you didn't mean it:] yeh.. and im sorry..
[have any bitter ex's:] yupp..
[bitter towards any ex's:] somewhat.. ill get over it..
[oldest person you've dated:] hes 23 now i believe..
[youngest person you've dated:] he's 16 now..
[around what age do you tend to date:] a couple yrs. older.. only cause im really young..

[have relationships changed you:] i dunno.. probably..
[have your relationships been worthwhile:] LoL, in a sense of making me look stupid, yes..
[Where do you normally meet people for dating or relationships:] friends..
[what defines a girlfriend/boyfriend:] that click.. that chemistry.. that feeling.. its amazing..
[would you ever get married:] yea..
[key to a successful relationship:] trust.. too bad it doesnt exist..
[best attribute you bring to a relationship:] ha! im sooo horrible.. i dont know how i get guys.. im ugly, a bitch, and a bad g/f..
[worst attribute you bring to a relationship:] all of the above!
[importance of relationships in your life:] they arent important anymore.. theyre pointless, for me at least.. luckyily sara is happy.. and love seeing her like that.. its amazing, and it shows me that it is possible.. and i know i could be like that too.. it just sucks that he's so far away.. but i really do like him.. and i really do want to be with him.. and everytime i begin getting involved with someone, i think of him.. whether it be mike, powell, or alex.. hes still the one in the back of my head.. so if that makes me a hoe.. or a bad person, then so be it.. but for all of you that ask me what i want and what im doing.. there you go..
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