You can write prompts, or you can get together with people and roleplay some of these scenarios.
A. Scenarios
1. You're at a carnival or amusement park, and become trapped in a ride or fun house that becomes very, very dangerous.
2. You've been caught up in a tornado, and when you land, you find that there are witch feet sticking out from under your TARDIS. Uh, aren't in Kansas anymore.
3. Congratulations! You're on "Dancing With the Stars", because you are trying to find aliens hiding at the show. How's that working for you?
B. Historical Events In Time...Be There
1. The Boston Tea Party
2. The Great Flood and Noah's Ark
3. Moses Parts the Red Sea
4. Columbus lands in the Americas
C. People You Might Meet?
1. Dr. Evil
2. Doctor Doolittle
3. Marie Antionette
4. Attila the Hun
5. Mata Hari
D. Photo Prompts