Title: Love Potion #1921 (Chapter One)
Chapter: Uno
Rating: R/NC17 (overall, probably not this part though)
Pairings: Jeith and Poger mainly, but also Koger
Time period: Tommy recording sessions and the Who American Tour 1971
Warnings: Some (just a few) swear words, mentions of adult content, but no explicit material (that'll be a bit later)
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Comments 4
(I had a face palm moment when I figured out #1921. derp.
Thanks! (: And oh man y'all are in for a lot...
Awesome, *cannot* wait for the next chapter. Seriously, I can dish it out, but I can't take it. XD
I do agree with that, and that is exactly why I wrote it. I'm so glad you'll be reading it! Yay! That's the kind of inspiration I'll need to keep writing :3 Thank you!
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