Title: Indomitable (The Homo Narrans Remix)
agapi42 Characters/Pairings: Della (OC), Vira, Noah - Noah/Vira implied.
Rating: PG
Summary: The Earth will burn, but the story must survive.
Word Count: 1530
Original Story:
The Waiting Room World by
Notes: This story contains 30th-century vocabulary, as seen in The Ark in Space. Vira claimed to have
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This is amazing - I hardly know where to start. You did such a wonderful job worldbuilding and making the Ark in Space future seem real and believable and horrifying because it's believable - Della's worry about being marked as a regressive because of the speech she's picked up especially - and worldbuilding is something I'm pants at myself, so I'm so glad to see it handled so deftly here.
And Della herself is so human, with such a different story to tell than the rest of the Nerva crew; by the end of the story I was really sad to see her go, especially since she wasn't nearly so hopeful as everyone else.
I love the conversation with Noah, which I think humanizes him wonderfully; I'd forgotten that Vira had mentioned her training in Classicals, so it was lovely to see that and the reasoning behind it explored.
And the "patchwork quilt of history" metaphor was striking and perfect. And and and I could go on and on about everything I love about this fic, but mostly I want to say thank you for making my story into something so beautiful.
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