I've been trying to catch up on challenges from
dw100 and this one seemed rather apt for this com... Drabble, post-Battlefield, fluffy... Enjoy.
The Doctor knelt in the grass in his shirt-sleeves, trowel in hand, humming softly. A shadow fell across him.
"There you are, Professor."
He glanced up, smiled at her, "Ace. How was your drive?"
"Brill," she plunked herself down beside him, "That car can move."
Eyes twinkling, he returned to the flower-bed.
"Oh... nothing..."
"Oi," she prodded his arm, "I know you better than that."
He set the trowel down, "I was thinking... Alistair could do with a few more bulbs..." he turned her an impish grin, "Fancy another drive? I'll show you what Bessie can really do."