Title: Behind the Eight Ball.
Word Count: 1,557
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: The Master, the Editor
Pairings: Master/Editor, Master Race/Master/Editor
Warnings: Slash, BDSM
Synopsis: Behind the Eight Ball (exp.): In a difficult position.
Author's Notes: Written for the prompts #81. How? and #54. Rough, from
this prompt list. A continuation of my Editor/Master-verse, Public Relations; sequel to
The Office,
One Ring,
Impatience and
Red Letter Day. Prequel to
Occupational Hazard. I think this will also be the last piece in the -verse for the foreseeable future, because writing this ship is losing me my Doctor/Master ship D: But it was fun while it lasted, eh? <3
“At the risk of repeating myself-“ )