Title: Fun with the Random Pairing Generator (Eight Stories) Characters: Romana, Bridget Spears, the Meddling Monk, the Master (Delgado), the Master (Simm), the Rani, Lucy Saxon, Mickey Smith, the Face of Boe, the TARDIS, Davros, Rose, Human!Doctor, Lois Habiba, Alison Cheney
Pairings: the Master/the Rani, the Master/the TARDIS, Human!Doctor/Rose, Alison Cheney/Lois Habiba, implied Doctor/Master, implied Lucy/Master
Rating: PG
Warning: Contains femmeslash, implications of slash, het and I am not sure what Master/TARDIS is, crossover with Torchwood CoE in two stories, not beta-read.
Author's Notes: This is me having too much fun with the pairing generator and also me being too lazy to post things before EoT which is why some of them are now somewhat AU. Also not all of the stories are shippy, as I am sure neither I or anyone else actually wants to read Lucy/Davros in that way, but there might always be someone...