Fic: At the Still Point of the Turning World (Master/Rani)

Feb 26, 2010 15:09

Title: At the Still Point of the Turning World
Author: Drea (bluerosefairy on LJ/voodoochild on AO3 and Teaspoon)
Rating: NC-17. It was supposed to be written for the Porn Battle; that should tell you something.
Fandom/Pairing: Doctor Who, Ainley!Master/the Rani.
Disclaimer: Really don't own anyone or anything. Not the Beeb. Not anyone even remotely associated with the show. All you'll get if you sue is my student loan debt.
Author's Notes: Originally written for the Porn Battle IX prompt "Ainley!Master/the Rani, parallel", before the airing of "End of Time", so consider this an alternate universe. Much love for my braintwin and hideous, hideous enabler of porn, carla_scribbles. She poked and prodded and nudged me into writing the pairing for the Porn Battle in the first place, she's infected me with a love for T.S. Eliot as it relates to various renegade Time Lords, and she generally encourages me far too much in my whackjob plot bunnies.
Summary: There are very few reasons one should futz with past timelines and alternate universes. The Master demonstrates one of them while paying a visit to a Rani who is not quite yet the Rani.

Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is/But neither arrest nor movement/And do not call it fixity/Where past and future are gathered... (Link goes to AO3)

the rani, het, master/rani, master (ainley)

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