Hey there! Today’s my day to talk about one of my favorite femmeslash pairings, Martha/Rose. One of the things I desperately want from S4 is to see all of the companions getting along, particularly Rose and Martha. I think they have great potential for having a fabulous friendship and/or relationship.
Graphic made by:
meganlynn09 Besides being aesthetically pleasing, one of the reasons I love this pairing so much is because I feel Rose and Martha could give each other exactly what they need. Between Rose’s sense of adventure, curiousity and flirty nature and Martha’s level headedness and wit, they would be a real supportive tag-team of justice and win.
Rose sometimes has a tendency of taking advantage of her loved ones because she’s focusing on her significant other. Martha has a tendency of putting other people’s wants ahead of her own. By pairing them together, Martha would ground Rose and show her the importance of family, while Rose could inspire Martha to take a break when she gets stressed out and do something for own well-being, instead of trying to take care of everyone else.
Martha and Rose would also suit each other because they both are very loyal and devoted to their significant others. Compare their behavior towards the Doctor, and imagine them focusing that faithfulness on each other. Rose would probably never feel insecure about her relationship with Martha because Martha would be a loyal girlfriend (case in point: how she brushes off Owen because she’s with Tom and how she turns down Shakespeare because she has feelings for Ten). Martha would never feel underappreciated or second-best because Rose always gives credit where credit is due (i.e. always telling the Doctor thank you and hugging him for helping her and performing thoughtful gestures).
Rose and Martha are both incredibly selfless. Martha takes care of Ten for three months, enduring racism and other hardships. She’s always supporting Ten and never asks for anything in return. Rose took the entire time vortex into her head (knowing it would probably kill her) just to protect Nine. Even though she’s been abandoned on a spaceship and the person she loves is in love with someone else, the first thing she does is ask him if he’s okay (Martha does this as well with Joan). After a stressful day, Rose also manages to find edible-ball bearing cake, just because she knows he likes it. I think it would be lovely to see Rose and Martha treat each other with the respect and love they both deserve.
One of the things I noticed with Martha and Rose is that they’ve both experienced things that most people would be traumatized by. Martha has walked an entire year in a Post-Apocalyptic Earth, seeing unspeakable horrors, and clearly she should have PTSD. At least onscreen, she has never mentioned anything to anyone about what she saw or experienced and I feel that she really needs to talk to someone about what she went through. Rose, who has also seen horrific things, would understand and sympathize. This goes both ways: based on the S4 mid-series trailer, Rose has been hardened by whatever has happened in her AU. Martha could give Rose an outlet to talk about what happened and how to heal from the ordeal. Martha and Rose would have great intimacy because Martha is incredibly honest and Rose wears her heart on her sleeve.
I think what makes them so compatible is that they’re complete opposites. Where one has a weakness, the other has that strength. Martha is very brainy and good with science. Rose is very good at talking to people and charming them. They could rescue, protect, and balance each other out. Martha and Rose could teach each other so much about themselves and learn so much about the Universe.
Finally, they’ve both saved the world, in completely different ways, and combine the sheer amount of win and awesome between the two of them and I think Earth (nay, the Universe) is definitely defended. We have Martha leading missions in UNIT and rescuing herself in TDD, Rose baiting Daleks and running a one woman revolution in this series alone.
Did I mention they both have evil clones?
Plus, their union (provided Rose one day becomes Head of Torchwood and Martha becomes the new Brig) would bring about Torchwood and UNIT Office Olympics, Christmas parties, and date functions. After they save the planet, of course.
An Introduction to Space Travel This fic is one of my favorites. Bonus points for the slight Romana/Rose, which is another one of my favorite pairings. by
Netgirl_y2k A Certain Sort of Affinity by koshiroryuu Humorous fic that shows the awesomeness of Rose and Martha’s personalities.
Afters Sequel to A Certain Sort of Affinity by koshiroryuu Sequel to A Certain Sort of Affinity. There’s Benton love in here.
Afterwards, He Thought He Should Maybe Visit More Often by koshiroryuu Sequel to A Certain Sort of Affinity and Afters End of a really great trilogy that shows the awesome potential Rose and Martha have to be friends and lovers.
Happiness and Satisfaction by
Netgirl_y2k Love this fic; more Rose/Martha with added Romana for the win!
Strike by
Netgirl_y2k Sexy Martha/Rose fic!
Stray Birds of Summer by
livii This is a lovely fic that is about Martha and Rose saving the day sans Doctor.
Playing Doctors and Nurses by Lurky McLurklurk NC-17 Very sexy.
A Minor Point of Departure Calapine Love this not only for Captain Rose Tyler, but for showing the beginning of a great friendship with Martha. Please, RTD, give me this one thing.
One Night In Casualty by:
elance Great fic that’s both hot and sweet. Rated PG.
Under the Skin by:
honorh Cute friendship fic that shows off just how great a team they make!
The Ghost of Wester Drumlins by:
Frock Adorable partners in crime solving a mystery fic!
Teacup and Saucer by:
orange_crushed RTD once had a quote during S3 that went along the lines of, “If Martha were to meet Rose now, I’d imagine they’d be bitchy to each other at first, but then be best friends.” If this goes down in S4, I hope he handles it with as much humor and class as this fic does.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a lot of fanvids that weren’t centered on the love triangle (most popular: Boyfriend by Avril Lavigne) or that consisted of the Doctor choosing one over the other. But here’s one, and if you know of any others, send them my way!
Made by
lizbee There’s also a Martha/Rose community:
Martha and Rose If you have any fic, link, or fanvids I might’ve missed, don’t hesitate to link! I’ll add them to the post. Thanks for reading!