Rare Ships Month: Second Doctor/Jamie

May 14, 2008 00:33

So, why do I think Two/Jamie is the OTP-est OTP of any OTP ever in the history of the Who-verse?

I rest my case.

What? You're not yet convinced? You need more evidence?

Ok, first of all, Jamie McCrimmon was the Doctor's longest serving (on-screen) companion. There had to be a reason Two kept him on the TARDIS all that time, and I don't think it was just because Jamie looks so fetching in a kilt (though I'm sure that played a part). Further, they banter like an old married couple in practically every serial. I am pretty well certain that all one needs to do is watch a single Second Doctor episode (doesn't even matter which one, take your pick) and the fact that the Doctor and Jamie are madly in love is impossible to deny. They can not keep their hands off each other! It's ridiculous. Check THIS out:


And those are faaaaaaaaaaar from isolated incidents. I mean just LOOK at them! All the clinging! And the HAND-HOLDING!!! IT MAKES ME SQUEE IN CAPSLOCK!!!!



But you want to see them in action, you say? Your wish is my command. :-)


Firstly, my most favorite Two/Jamie moment EVER. It's from the serial The Invasion and it fills me with so much joy that I don't even know what to do with myself. They are SO ADORABLY IN LOVE!!!

image Click to view

And now, a couple of brilliant fanvids from the patron saint of Two/Jamie, vandonovan:

image Click to view

image Click to view

But honestly, you don't need to take my word for all this. Many other brilliant minds have recognized the undying love that the Second Doctor and Jamie have for each other. Let's take a look at what some of THEM have to say on the topic.


Jamie McCrimmon, the Doctor's Actual Proper Soulmate by calapine:

Part 1 and Part 2

A couple of insightful and hilarious posts by randominity

Why Two and Jamie being married is canon
A pictorial post on a key segment of The Dominators

An excellent picspam with some gorgeous artwork done by lithrael can be found HERE.

And finally, a post about the awesomeness of the Second Doctor in general but containing an absolute truth with respect to Two/Jamie. From lcsbanana

The Second Doctor: MADE OF AWESOME, and Also Burnination

ETA: I can't believe I didn't think to link to Part 2 of nentari's insanely fabulous Jamie entry for companion love month at loves_them_all. She does a brilliant job of pointing out all of the things that make Jamie so awesome, and make Two/Jamie so delightful together. You can view it HERE.

Now, last but most definitely not least, a collection of some fantastic Two/Jamie stories. Sadly, there isn't much available, but these are all excellent. Why, oh why, aren't more people writing this stuff?!


Obsessions by vandonovan NC-17

The Bet by lithrael (Two/Jamie/Zoe) NC-17
(I know this one is cheating because it's really OT3, but it's SO CRAZY GOOD! And it contains plenty of Two/Jamie hot-monkey-lovin'. So read it anyway.)

Watching by pet_lunatic (Two/Jamie implied) R-ish

Reflections by vandonovan (Dark AU) NC-17

Heights by Carmen Sandiego G-rated

Orbit by kindkit PG

And there you have it. The epic love affair of a renegade Time Lord and the son of a piper. It's a truly beautiful thing. :-)

Photos from Tragical History Tour and the official BBC site. Colorized pic by vandonovan. Screencaps courtesy of calapine. Text and Subtext vid clips courtesy of lithrael. If it appears I used anyone else's pics or caps without credit, let me know and I will rectify the oversight immediately.

two/jamie, # rare ships month, jamie, two

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