Rare Ships Month: Four/Sarah/Harry - Part One: Picspam and Recs

May 02, 2008 12:30

There is one very obvious reason for shipping Four/Sarah/Harry, which is simply that they are completely, totally and utterly adorable together.

I present the evidence:

The grins! The scarf! The hat! The lack of personal space!

The scarf, part two. Son of scarf.

The following are my two favourite Four/Sarah/Harry pictures ever. Awesomeness with Bessie!

More awesomeness with Bessie! Seriously, how cute are they?

And have some recs.

Fic Recs:

OT3 shippy:
A Girl's Best Friend by schizophrenic (NC-17).
Imagine and Sarah Jane Sandwich by ladyvivien (NC-17). Both are part of her Friends With Benefits series, but as far as I know these are the only parts with Four/Sarah/Harry in them.
A drabble by hhertzof.

Less OT3 shippy, but still about Four, Sarah and Harry:
Here By Dragons by minerva_fan (PG-13).
Changing Times by settiai (G).
The Deepsky Atlas by eponymous_rose (PG-13).
Le quattro stagioni by eponymous_rose (PG).
Spacetime by eponymous_rose (G).
Drowning (The Hero Remix) by paranoidangel42 (PG).
When Harry Met Sarah by bibliophile1887 (unrated).
Unravelled by dree_drey (G).

Icon Recs:

Some fun OT3 icons by shiremint can be found here.
Also, among some other pairings, here by shinyjenni.

Vid Recs:

Science Fiction
Together Again

These are the only two vids featuring all three characters that I've come across so far. If anyone has any to add to that list, I for one would be more than grateful!

Meta and futher picspamming to follow later today!

# rare ships month, four/harry/sarah, harry, four, sarah

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