doyle_sb4 wanted to know what Polly femmeslash was out there, and then I realized I hadn't mentioned a couple other f/f fics I've written...
Title: Summer in the City
Author: aces
Pairing: Rose Tyler/Polly Wright
Rating: around PG-13
Summary: Travelling with the Doctor was a little more complicated than Rose had expected.
Written in May '07 for the
alien_altars "cliche" ficathon, using the morning after/fuzzy night before cliche.
Story is here.
Title: Fire Answers Fire
Author: aces
Rating/Warnings: PG at most; set during the year that never
Pairing: Martha Jones/Dorothy McShane
Word count: about 1850 words
Summary: “A bike,” Martha said, looking it over as best she could in the dark. “You travel through time on a bike.” She looked up at Dorothy again. “How safe is that again?”
Written in December '07 as a Christmas pressie. :)
Story is here.
Title: Worlds Out There
Author: aces
Rating: Fair to middling (wait, that isn’t right…)
Pairing: Dorotheé McShane/Sam Jones
Word Count: approx. 1500
Summary: “This was protection, Sam knew. This was as much Ace protecting the civilian as it was Ace being the safety of a friend.”
Written in August '07 for the second
dw_femslash ficathon.
Story is here.