
Jan 28, 2005 00:52

i'm feeling a bit i'm bored sooooo here goes the infamous surveyyyy..haha

What time is it? 12:53

Piercings: ears

What is the most recent movie you've seen in the
theater? White Noise

Eye color: brown

Place of birth: Manila, Philippines

been toilet papering: mMm maybe..can't think of a time right now

Love someone so much it made you cry?: def. <35103 =)

Been in a car accident: oHh yea..with nev..driving back from costco..annnd..when a guy rear ended about whip lash =(

Croutons or bacon bits: croutons

Favorite day of the week: friday i classes =)

Favorite restaurants: applebee's..tops

Favorite flower: those hawaiian flowers..i forgot what they were called

Favorite sports to watch: (sometimes)

Favorite drinks (Non-Alc): juice..water..iced tea

Alchoholic: amaretto haus..chocolate cake pie shots..screwdrivers

Favorite ice cream: ben & jerry's half baked..brownie batter..phish food..

Favorite junk food: wow..haha..i dont think i have enough room to write down everything

Disney or Warner Brothers: disney..doesn't even compare

Favorite fast food restaurant: jack in the box..i've only seen one in cali =(

What color is your bedroom carpet: brownish peach at school..and bright pink/peach at home

How many times did you fail your driver's test? nonnnneee..passed it on the first try hah=)

from who did you get your last
e-mail: what a stupid question..who cares?!?

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: hollister...maybe i already have..haha

What do you do most often when you are bored: sleep..visit people in my tv/ to homework if i'm really in the mood to do (sometimes) hah

Longest bungee jump: i've never gone bungee jumping although i would like to try it sometime..i've gone parasailing though..went up 1500 feet..that was funn

Favorite TV shows: family guy..gilmore girls..

What are you listening to right now: NCAA basketball video game that juan is playing at the moment

What is your favorite color: pink =)

Lake, ocean, or river: ocean

How many tattoos do you have: 0 =(..wanna get one though

Time you finished this: 1:04

Which came first; the chicken or the egg? the chicken (which was magically made) haha

Favorite Food: mostly anything edible

Worst Habit: thinking tooooo much..overanalyzing situations..letting things get to me too quickly

What turns you on most about the opposite?: personality..good sense of humor classes excited..i'm glad i made my schedule this way..tough classes this semester..hopefully i don't fall behind on anything..but i already feel like i am..and i don't wanna..i have to do well this semester..oHh..and i'm thinking of transfering to the nursing school in the fall..hopefully i get in cause its really hard to get into this nursing school..people are telling me to just try and get into med school..but its really easier said than heart isn't completely into being a doctor anymore..they hardly get to spend much time with the patients..nurses..on the other hand..i think..get to know their patients a lot more..and thats what i want..i wanna be able to see the patient for more than 5 min..esp because i wanna specialize in neo-natal..anywho..i plan on devoting my time and effort into doing well this semester and trying to get into the nursing school this fall..hopefully everything turns out the way i plan..thats all for now...

smell ya later
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