50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Seven: Five / "Minor" Characters

Jun 16, 2013 15:47

I hope it is okay to post this here, but I have fond memories of participating in the ficathons on this comm and thought this might be of interest to others who do, and to people in general who like to produce and enjoy fic and other fanworks themed around Doctor Who's multitude of "minor" characters:

50th Anniversary Fanwork-a-thon-a-thon, Round Seven: Five

(Secondary prompt: "Minor" Characters)

The Six-themed sixth round continues, but already signups have begun for the next in who_at_50's series of monthly fanwork-a-thons counting down to the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. Five is the Doctor we're looking at this month, the boyish cricketer who thought there ought to be another, better way, but was continually reminded by the uncaring early-80s universe that there wasn't, really. And in homage to the legendary who_like_giants ficathons of years past, our secondary theme is "minor" characters; all of those one-off heroes and villains, aliens and ordinary folk, who the Doctor has crossed paths (and occasionally swords) with over the years, some of them becoming fan-favourites in their own right. If you like Doctor Who fanwork even a little bit, I urge you to take the time to look at the signup posts on the comm...and if you so desire, indicate your interest in taking part:

The Livejournal Version

The Dreamwidth Version

Remember - all fanworks of whatever form are more than welcome!
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