TimeGate 2016 Costume Portal requests for panelists for the knitting panel (edited) UPDATE!

Apr 24, 2016 09:57

EDIT: we no longer need panelists, but the 50 minutes has now been turned into a safe space where crafters and knitters, etc., can come by and share their projects. Mods will be on hand to maintain order. :)

Hi folks!

It's Kim, Director of the Wardrobe Portal at TimeGate.

TimeGate is the Doctor Who and British Media convention in Atlanta, GA, USA, May 27-29th, 2016, at the Atlanta Marriott Century Center Hotel. The GoH is Paul McGann, the 8th Doctor. More info can be found here at the website:


If you're attending, we have a panel on Friday just for knitters and related crafters. :) It's at 8 PM. Panels last 50 minutes.

Who Knits

The panel needs a couple more knitters. If you knit Four/Rose/Amy scarves, and want to show off your work, you're needed. :) Also, if you knit/tat/crotchet Who'verse items, please apply. Applicants need to describe their items/projects briefly.

My rules for panelists are easy common sense. :) Please be on time, be kind to other panelists, and answer politely when taking questions from audience members. Panels end at 10 minutes before the hour, as the Costume track shares space with the Lit track. If an attendee comes up to the table afterward to ask questions of you, please be kind but have them walk with you out to the hallway for more chatting ASAP.

costume track, crochet, scarf, tatting, crafts, knitting, convention

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