I had been pondering making a 4th Doctor scarf for a very long time. I kept coming up with reasons not to start but always had it in the works in my mind. Eventually I was able to settle on a season to make... and then I realised one thing that would stop me more than anything: I'm really unlikely to wear an item with the colours that the scarf is normally in. Creativity came to my rescue! I put the pattern with colouring into the Gimp and modified it just a bit. I came up with a few different versions and eventually decided on one.
The look I went for is below the cut, as is the yarn that was delivered to me today.
I got the original image off
Doctorwhoscarf.com The general idea:
I admit I didn't spend exactly a lot of effort even finding exact matches for that.
Here is what I ended up picking with the name of the colour on the original and the actual one I picked from KnitPicks.
I'm really looking forward to starting. I'd do so right now but I have reading to do after I post this :D