Freaking out, continued

Jul 03, 2009 19:01

I am sorry, folks. It will likely be mostly about the wedding for the next three weeks or so.

I got an official invitation by snail mail today. The envelope was A6 small, with the address written in childish penmanship in curly and rounded letters. After my name, her black ballpen gave up, so the rest is in blue.

I have to say that in order not to cry, I had it propped unopened against my monitor for two sodding hours until I could catch my breath.

My flist, I love you so. Where else could I get so amazingly cheered up by discussion about inhuman appliance of D&D alignments! Thank you, mellifluous_ink and woe_in_a_hoodie :))

Careful slash revealed a small creamy and brown card with gentle polka dots and a glued-in little satin pink bow.

I have a very vivid memory of pushing her pram on my own as a girl and a group of punks cheering me on in the park, screaming: „This kid yours? How did it not rip you apart, tadpole?“

They do not plan to use a birth control. They want to COUNT.

I swear that we gave her all the information, warnings,  examples of how this WILL NOT work for long. We even brought in people to talk with her. We tried our very best not to be pushy or intimidating or weak through all this time. Nothing helped. Gaaah.

Oh dammit, I will not freak out anymore. They will be fine. And if anything happens, well, that is what family is for, right? And we definitely got that. And we really like kids, for they are awesome.

Thank you for bearing with me. Means a lot.

EDIT: I removed some of the moodiness, belatedly ;)

freaking out, my family

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