Sep 26, 2005 17:08
new york city makes me want to lose at least 15 pounds and become a chain smoker.
this past weekend i had a culture day at the met and then after the 35 block walk home, i proceded to get lost in harlem at dusk with four other girls. i was wearing a really great museum outfit, which is really the important point i am trying to make here.
college is basically like camp with lots of reading and papers and eternal amounts of laundry that somehow manage to consist of endless amounts of underwear and bras.
i'm moisturizing a lot so my skin stays supple and there is one shower that is so powerful i cannot place my face under the nozzle. these are all really important things that everyone should know.
my new phone is so fucking hot holy motherlord! shit fuck death cunt fuck death okay i have errands to run, i made a really great trip to duane reade last week which was really exhilerating. that wasn't spelled right but oh well.
and my roomate said i talked in my sleep last night and smacked my head against the wall by accident, gosh i loev her.
i miss you.