long postoid.

May 17, 2005 22:06

o what a day of sketchiness and joy and luck!!!!


(1) driving home from babysitting interview for summer job. big intersection of heathcote, drake and post roads. me driving with windows down, singing loudly and dancing to cursive in my car, not really noticing madd ghetto/pimped out car next to me. right before the light turns green, i look over and i see a dark, latino, bandana-clad head poking out the window, staring at me. WHAT? i yelp and literally zoom out of that situation

(2) so. after watching final episode of gilmore girls (a dissapointment, by the by), i realize that i have many many videos and dvd;s overdue from the library. being out of money and knowing of their massive rental fees, i decided to get a move on and skuttle off to the library and back. well. i get to the library, hop out of my car, start running to the visual media drop-off thing (its' 9:30PM and the library is closed). BAM. i'm running to the drop-off in my freaking slippers when i SEE A MAN JUST SITTING THERE. I ACTUALLY SCREAM OUT LOUD AND STOP RUNNING. sketchy man sitting there gives me a wierd look, i apologize and say that i didn't see anyone sitting there before, and SKEEEEEEEDADDLE back to my car. then i flew out of there like no other. while this might not sound thaaaaat bad, wowzers. no words for how caught off-guard i was or how sketched out i still am by flannel-wearing, cigarette-smoking fat sketchy man outside library. aHHHHHHH.


(1) pretty much nailed super-easy summer job. even though it's only part time, it's amazing and the little girl is really cute. aaaaaand we share a name :)

(2) had massive amounts of salmon for dinner. check plus.


(1) even though i wasn't sure of the train schedule at all this evening (today was the first day i stayed late at work.. late meaning 5:30), i wasn't sure what train to take home. upon my arrival at grand central, my watch said 5:59 and one train was leaving at 6:03. well joy to the world, i made the train and did not end up in the only non-air conditioned car on the whole train, like yesterday. i also almost finished my book AND shared a compartment with some nice fordham boys.

(2) my sponsor casually gave me this moschino leopard print skirt. i wasn't sure she was like giving giving it to me, i thought she only meant for me to look at it and see if i liked it. as i was leaving, i had left it on this shelf in her office when she's all, but aren't you going to take your skirt??? ahhhh i love free clothing. granted, i don't and probably won't wear leopard print, but still. score! perhaps more free things are on the way, and with a 50% discount... (except the discount does nothing if you have NO money, like moi.)

yesterday it finally hit me that i will never put on my lacrosse uniform again. i have never seen julie muldoon or caitlin souther cry until yesterday and it broke my (already broken) heart. life without lacrosse is no life at all, my friends.

anyways, if anyone is available to hang out tomorrow after like 6 or if anyoen is in the city (downtown!??!) tomorrow and wants to get lunch with me... call me por favor (that's spanish for please. joke.)


no words for my beauty... or the beauty of these crazy sunglasses (75 cents!)

score... my $50 check from cvs literally a year and a half ago that i somehow never cashed it! hawwwt.

my $10 prom dress...

my war wounds, ouch. both legs! for some reason black and blues don't show up well on cameras

goodbye number 38, you have been more than amazing to me. goodbye forever. :(

but here is something that will be there forever... PRINCE ANDREW!!!

i promise you he loves me. sometimes.
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