Thursday 28th June

Jun 28, 2012 19:45

Do you have a Doctor Who community or a journal that we are not currently linking to? Leave a note in the comments and we'll add you to the who_daily reading list.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because of the high posting volume and the quantity of information linked in each newsletter, who_daily will no longer link fanfiction that doesn't have a header. For an example of what a "good" fanfic header is, see the user info. Please note, the fic must have the header with the fic, not just in the link post, in order to be added to the newsletter. Thank you.

Off LJ News
Blogtor Who have some promotional pictures of Eccleston in BBC drama 'Blackout'
Doctor Who News page has the news that David Warner is to guest star in Doctor Who
The official site apologises (rather amusingly) for the fact that a re-design means that videos aren't working
The official site also reminds you that there's still time to vote for Doctor Who's scariest monster
The Doctor Who NEws site reports that company 'Her Universe' have been granted an official license to produce Doctor Who 'Fangirl Fashion' merchandise (all t-shirts seem to be modelled by Elliot Reid)
TARDIS Scanner has 'Today in the Whoniverse'
The Doctor Who News page has a list of AudioGo's August releases
Digital Spy has the news that the sonic screwdriver is being turned into a TV remote (I had a wand that worked this way until v recently when I sold it...)
BBC iPlayer has 'The Impossible Astronaut
And the accompanying episode of Confidential: 'Coming to America'
It also has the first part of Big Finish audio 'Beast of Orlok' (v good)
Tin Dog Podcast reviews 'The Krotons' has a 'There's Something On Your Back' t-shirt
Doctor Who TV reviews 'The Eternity Clock' game

(news via blogtorwho, tardisscanner, og_news, among others.)
(For additional news please visit: googledw)

Discussion and Miscellany
sarahkjrsten has collated all the pages of River's diary from 'The Eternity Clock' game for your reading pleasure
settiai is selling a bunch of New Who books
emraldeyedauter links to a fan recording of 'I am the Doctor'
ikindofrock has a tribute to Caroline John's Liz Shaw
doctorwho_meta is discussing Liz Shaw
abqmichelle has found an alternate Amy series 7 dress
honorarydoctor has a digest post of stuff for sale on the new-ish dw_cosplay sales comm
nwhyte reviews Bernice Summerfield boxset 'Road Trip'
nwhyte reviews NA 'Falls the Shadow'
nwhyte reviews Companion Chronicles 'The Revenants', 'The Jigsaw War', and 'The Rings of Ikiria'
darkestboy has updates on series 7 guest stars and titles
acciochocolate has panel breakdowns from TimeGate

Communities & Challenges
who_contest reminds you to get your 'reputation' drabbles in

Fan Fiction

Works in Progress
Defenders of the Earth (13/?) by onabearskinrug [Ten/Rose, Jackie, Pete, Jake, Mickey | R]
Trying Not To Love You (3/?) by ddshipper9692 [Ten/Donna | G]
Who Else? (2/?) by sudipal [Eleven | PG]

You can reach us in the comments or at
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